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We lost the remote control

Writer's picture: Laura GhitoiLaura Ghitoi

Do you remember ever having your remote control mysteriously swallowed by your couch and then being left to watch the same channel? This is how the past weeks have felt like. While we got so deep into talking about remote work and its neverending list of subtopics, other subjects were barely touched or brought into constructive conversations. This week our round-up includes some of these topics, such as presenteeism, organizational justice, the constant diminishing of female leaders' achievements during the pandemic, and the mental health habits that can fortify leaders' minds.

For more, check our content selection of week 28.

By Mark C. Bolino, Thomas K. Kelemen and Samuel H. Matthews | Harvard Business Review | 6 min

If we consider how many parents' schedules had to be modified to allow for home-schooling, we suddenly understand that remote work can't simply be office work done at home during the soon-to-be-archaic 9 to 5. This finding is well aligned with some of the insights shared by the authors: "Theories of organizational justice suggest that schedules should be equitable, not necessarily equal; therefore, a one-size-fits-all approach may be outdated". Read the full article here

Work Culture | Management | Organizations | Remote work

By Enrique Dans | Forbes | 5 min

This article brings forth explanations about the Distributed Work's Five Levels of Autonomy, while also discussing presenteeism. For instance, in a health and wellbeing survey in 2019, 83% of UK employees reported pressure to ‘show up’ regardless of their mental or physical health, so one would think this issue would also be addressed during the mentally challenging pandemic. Read the full article here

Work Culture | Management | Organizations | Remote work

By Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Avivah Wittenberg-Cox | Harvard Business Review | 5 min

Leaders' performance is always strictly watched, but never like in a pandemic: "the pandemic and its grim count of death tolls introduce entirely new pressures: standardized, data-driven global metrics invite people everywhere to easily compare, at the click of a mouse, the relative effectiveness of their elected officials." In this context, female leaders proved themselves to be some of the most efficient officials in terms of managing the crisis, yet their achievements were still doubted. Read the full article here

Leadership | COVID-19 | Organizations

By Amy Edmondson, Richard Boyatzis, Aaron De Smet and Bill Schaninger | McKinsey | 13 min

This longer article from McKinsey highlights an important fact that needs to be heard more often: "leaders managing high-stress positions need to do to take care of themselves and to then involve and take care of others".

Additionally, the article is packed with insights such as: "The disruption of our lives, the loss of normal familial interactions, and the economic and financial fears of losing our livelihoods all become a bigger source of threat than the virus itself. That’s why going back to routines and doing things that were normal really helps counteract this defensive state." Read the full article here

Leadership | Organizations | Mindful leadership


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